For instance men obtain a certain dominance in the work place even if the women is the more competent worker. states that 17% of Americans ar\e using food stamps. This rounds up to 49.8 million people in America surfing poverty. Most of these people are on welfare. Welfare basically is a organization that helps out the less fortunate. Mainly the extremes in poverty are located in big cities, for instance like California. 3.7% of people from California are in this situation. In New York City there are 671,888 people living in shelters, that number is nothing compared to the number of people living on the cold city gutters. A staggering 1,487,388 people do not have the comfort of sleeping in a bed at night. Instead, they must gather up their living necessity's out of OUR garbage. All these people are going hungry every day when we have enough food to feed the whole world.

The Census Bureau states that "If a family’s total income is less than the family’s threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty. The official poverty thresholds do not vary geographically, but they are updated for inflation using Consumer Price Index" Also saying that "The official poverty definition uses money income before taxes and does not include capital gains or noncash benefits (such as public housing, Medicaid, and food stamps)." Speaking of medicaid did you know, that one if five Americans don't have health insurance ? Because of this around 30% of legal Americans are living without any type of insurance. If they were to get injured while they were at work, at home, doing anything at all you will have to pay your full hospital bill out of your own pocket. I feel the best way to solve the poverty crises in America is building more shelters and places for people to live and survive. We should enforce the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child and give every child their basic needs. Such as food, a place to sleep, education, etc. I feel the United States of Americ

a are just being the snakes they are. Maximizing profits no matter what the cost is, even human lives. Children need the help the most. At a young age they have to start working to support their siblings or to help their parents support them. Thus, giving up their education to work. Personally I voluntary at soup kitchens, nursing homes, and other positive outlets in our community.
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