Monday, December 7, 2009

Extreme poverty in American socitey

Micheal Moore is a genius! Capitalism: A Love Story was a mind blowing film, there was not a dry eye in the crowd. This movie was so inspiring, it is impossible not to be moved by this movie. Every single scene had a meaning that was exercised to the fullest. That meaning was the extreme poverty in American society and the way it was occurring. Corporations were sucking the comm unties dry. People are being forced to work long hours with little pay. The pain and anguish in the workers face was agonising.

The film changed my life, ever since I experienced this motion picture I've been working in soup kitchens, volunteering in Coney island hospital, giving food and cloths to Charity just anything I could to help the less fortunate.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    Glad to hear someone from our community got so revved up about this movie. I haven't seen it yet but I hope to. If you've been volunteering so much around the southern brooklyn area, I'd like to talk to you a bit for my news website www.Sheepshead Shoot me an email at nberke [at]


    Ned Berke
